Jul 7, 2005

And the King goes alone

Today i played my Quarter Finals

You know what is the first piece to go. Its the "Queen" (Mouly paathukko)
The queen was quietly standing next to the king and i dont why he was furious in knocking out the queen with his one

Then my king gave a blow to the other's queen. It all started like this.
Then one by one we exchanged our pieces - bishops, horses and some pawns

Atlast i was left with an elephant(ROOK)and few pawns and the Opponent with two elephants and many pawns

That made the difference. He tricked me to lose my last rook and therefore i was helpless

Now again he reclaimed the queen by moving his pawn to the end and made a checkmate with his queen with Rooks supporting it

I simply blown the queen and the Rook jumped at my King to end the game

1 comment:

Hariks said...

sari vidu da adha!

How is ur queen ?? ;)