Oct 31, 2009

When I was 25!

I was then 25 years old. I had everything except courage to chase one of my dreams and then one day I took the most expected risk. I then saw this world, a totally different in experience. It was all good and sweet... for a short time.

I then realised that as day grows and as you become older and older, the desire for worldly posessions grew in you knowingly or unknowingly. It is so hard to pull yourself out of you and see the drama around this earthly world.

You are pulled to yourself. I am pulled to myself... well, consciously into this unknown!
The trick now lies in How I am getting out of it. If I fail, I will then be just like another family guy who will go more and more selfish for a future of another couple or so humans who bonds to me as my most related.

In short, I am no more 25, ha ha ha.

Oct 17, 2009


When I was a kid, the crackers start to burst a week before deepavali day arrive, it sounds everywhere from early morning to the time till school starts and in evenings once the schools are left. Even a Law need to be passed to stop the tyres burnt during this season.

Such is the craze among the children to fire crackers, more ego issues raises here as 'who fires more'.
Such is a fun to watch kids doing all crazy stuffs in firing, from bursting small tunnels to litting inside a frog.

Back to Present:
Last time, I am at home celebrating quietly without firing a cracker :)
This time, its me alone near London home preparing to go home for a 3 week break.

Such is a truth when a kid grows to be a man. Sometimes I wonder why we have this transformation that loses our innocence and brings us into the harsh reality